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Games on Tuesday, October 15, 2024

No Games Scheduled For Today

Friday, August 28, 2020 12:33:55 PM

1.     Management Rules

  • All rosters and waivers must be turned in before the start of the first game.
  • All Payments must be completed prior to the FIRST game.
  • Players must sign in before each game.
  • Players must play in at least 3 regular season games to be eligible to play in the playoffs.
  • Management reserves the right to alter and league schedules to best accommodate all.
  • All management decisions are final
  • Referees decisions on the field are final. No appeals will be allowed of referee decisions.
  • National High School Federation Rules will be observed except where changed in NIFFA rules.

2.     Uniform Rules

  • All players must wear the same colored jersey of shirts. Game will not start until each tea has the proper colored jerseys. All shirts must be tucked in. Violation is a loss of down and ball placement at the previous spot. Home team will have the right to choose color if both teams have the same color jersey or shirts.
  • All players must wear USTFL approved "Triple Threat Flag" belts.  All Teams are responsible for OWN flags.  Flags must be a different color than pants or shorts. Flags cannot be altered in any way (i.e. cutting flags short). Belts cannot be tied or tucked into shirt where the opponent may not pull it off.  Penalty for violation is loss of down and replay from the previous spot.
  • A player is considered down where the flag falls off during a play, the player will be down where the flag falls off. A player who is observed carrying their flag will be considered down at the spot where the referee observes them and will be assessed a 10-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.
  • No metal or screw in cleats.  Only molded rubber cleats or tennis shoes will be worn on the field.  Shoes must be carried into the facility.  Players will not be allowed to play until proper shoes are used.

3.     Un-sportsmanlike Conduct 

  • Any player ejected during the game must leave the building within 5 minutes, pay a $25 fine, and will also be suspended for their teams' next game. If ejected a second time, a $50 fine us assessed and the player cannot return for the rest of the season.
  • Fighting will not be tolerated.  Fighting is an automatic ejection and carries a suspension for the rest of the season including playoffs.
  • Taunting will not be tolerated.  First offense is an un-sportsmanlike penalty of 10 yards.  Second offense is an automatic ejection.  Three taunting flags on one team during the game is an automatic forfeit.
  • Because there are usually children at the games, you should refrain from cursing.  Each team will be allowed one warning from the referees.  After the warning, on the second offense, the offending team will be accessed a 10-yard un-sportsmanlike penalty from the previous spot.  On the third offense the individual offender will be ejected from the game and the offending team will be accessed a 10-yard un-sportsmanlike penalty from the previous spot.
  • Throwing the ball against the wall, at a player, down the field, and kicking the ball is an un-sportsmanlike conduct penalty of 10 yards from the previous spot and an automatic ejection from the game.

4.     Number of Players and Forfeits

  • All players must be on your official roster turned into management
  • Teams will be allowed six players on the field at one time (all eligible receivers).
  • Teams must have 5 players from their original roster to play a game.  No pick-ups. (note: if a team has 5 rostered players and wants to pick-up players to play in a game it will be at the permission of the opposing team.  Opposing team may choose to win via forfeit, allow other team to pick up other players and play game, or play the game against the rostered players of the other team).  For playoffs, all players must be listed on the team's roster and have played in at least 3 games. 
  • If a team starts with less than 6 players, they may add other rostered players that arrive late. If rostered players arrive late, they must replace non-rostered players in that game.
  • Clock will start at game time.  Each team will have 10 minutes to have their team ready for play; clock will run from the game time and will not be adjusted.  After 10 minutes, the game is forfeited.  Team causing the delay will automatically lose the coin toss.
  • Team the forfeited must pay the total referee fee for BOTH teams prior to their next game.

5.     Games

  • Games will consist of 2 twenty-two-minute halves.  The clock will run continuously, except for the last minute for the second half
  • In the last minute of the game, the clock will stop for all dead ball situations (incomplete pass, running out of bounds, change of possessions, time-outs, and conversion attempts).
  • Each team will be allowed 2 time-outs per game.
  • Teams will be allowed twenty-five seconds to put the ball in play from the referee's whistle.  Penalty: 5 yards and loss of down.

6.     House Rules

  • No flag guarding, or stuff-arming.  Violation is spot foul. 10-yard penalty and loss of down.
  • Spinning is legal.  However, hurdling and diving head first, and jumping will not be allowed. Penalty is 10 yards from the spot of the foul.
  • No punts or kick offs.  The ball will automatically be placed on the opposite 5-yard line.
  • If a ball hits the ground, it is down here it hits.  Exception, a call fumbled forward will be placed where the offensive team fumbled the ball.  Fumble in end zone is a safety.
  • The ball is out of play when it touches any net or wall.
  • Defensive player cannot shove player into the nets.  Violations are a personal foul penalty of 10 yards from the spot of the foul. Use of excessive force will be grounds for ejection from the game.
  • Defensive player cannot shove receiver out of bounds.  Receivers shoved out of bounds will still be considered legitimate receivers.  There is no penalty unless there is excessive force.  Accessing a personal foul of 10 yards from the spot of the foul will penalize excessive force.  Use of excessive force will be grounds for ejection from the game.
  • Defensive player may shove the receiver at the line of scrimmage or within the "Rush Zone" area. Accessing a personal foul of 10 yards from the spot of the foul will penalize excessive force.
  • Defensive players are not allowed to run through offensive players to get flags.  Violation is a personal foul penalty of 10 yards from the spot of the foul. Use of excessive force will be grounds for ejection from the game.
  • Runners cannot put head down. This is a personal foul of 10 yards from the spot of the foul
  • Only one offensive player may be in motion at one time.  Motion can be towards the line of scrimmage.
  • Offensive players do not have to be set prior to the snap.
  • Defensive players yelling out snap-counts will be accessed a five-yard penalty from the line of scrimmages.

7. Defensive Rush

  • There is no limit to the number of defensive players allowed to rush the passer.
  • Delayed rush- Rushing team must wait for the count from the official "one thousand and one to one thousand and three", before they can rush, and the Quarterback is not allowed to cross the line of scrimmage to run until the count is complete.
  • Defensive players may line up on the line of scrimmage.

            8. Blocking

  • Normal blocking is permitted to defend against the pass rush
  • No blocking in the back or blocking below the waste is permitted. Penalty will be 10 yards from the spot of the foul.
  • No down field blocking will be permitted.  If blocking is allowed it will be in conjunction with intercollegiate rules.  Blockers must have hands behind their backs (much like setting a screen in basketball).
  • Cut or chop blocking will be reason for ejection from the game and will have a penalty of 10 yards from the spot of the foul.

            8. Extra Points

  • One-point conversion: Ball will be put in play from the 5-yard line. The offensive team must declare whether they intend to run or pass.
  • Two-point conversion: Ball will be put in play from the 10-yard line. The offensive team does not have to declare their intentions.
  • Run-Back of conversion: The defensive team may run back a conversion attempt. IF the defensive tam runs back the conversion for a score, they will be rewarded 2 points.
  • OVERTIME: Coin toss determines possession. Each team receives 4 plays from the 50-yard line.  If the game is still tied, each team receives 1 play from the 50-yard line, the team gaining the most yardages on the 1 play is declared the winner and awarded 1 additional point.  Teams cannot score points only positive or negative yardage.

            9. Mercy Rule

  • If a team is up by more than 16 points in the last minute of the game the clock will not stop and teams may not use their time-outs.
  • If a team is up by more than 40 points or more in the last 4 minutes, the game is over.

            10. 5-Yard Penalties

  • False Start, Early Rush, Early Run, Encroachment, Snap Infraction, Holding at the Line of Scrimmage, Holding Downfield (before ball is thrown), Illegal Blocking/Screening, 7 Men on the Field Illegal Formation (must have 3 men of LOS), Illegal Motion/Shift, Illegal Touching, Ineligible Receiver (offense goes out of bounds cannot be first player to touch ball).

            11. Loss of Down Penalties/Delay of Game

  • Offensive Pass Interference: 10 yards
  • Illegal Forward Pass: 5 yards (From LOS)
  • Flag Guarding: (From Spot of Foul) 5 yards
  • Defensive Pass Interference: Spot Foul Automatic 1st Down
  • Personal Foul Penalties: All 10 yards, Automatic 1st Down
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